Literary 事件 Around 印第安纳州 – September 2023


T在这里 are many great literary events around 印第安纳州. 想找点事做?  以下是一些想法.

许多事件都是虚拟的. Please confirm with 的 venue for scheduled events listed 在这里.

To be featured in our “Literary 事件 Around 印第安纳州” monthly events blog, email 的 details to mail@indiana作家.org.


FESTIVAL 451iNDY IS A CELEBRATION OF THE HUMANITIES — a campaign that will encourage lifelong 学习ing through a variety of public programs, 合作研讨会, 表演, 以及印第安纳波利斯的其他活动.

The Ray Bradbury Center will activate its vast collection to connect 的 larger 印第安纳波利斯 community to Ray Bradbury’s unbounded imagination, 促进扫盲, encourage a kinder society that shares its gifts 和 talents for 的 greater good.

在布拉德伯里黑暗的未来 华氏451度, 的 authorities will let you ask how a thing is done, but you must never ask why. 节日451印第 鼓励我们探索这两个问题.

Follow us on social media or click 的 button below to see how to participate!



Sam 和 Téa are returning this fall for a 诗歌 写作 series! 参加其中一个或所有三个!

5-6pm is our family hour: we invite those 9 years old 和 older to join us. Children 13 和 under are required to have parental supervision.

F?or 的 teen/young adults in your household, please click 在这里.

The three week workshop will culminate with a 诗歌 reading on our Indy Reads stage, 我们邀请参与者回到哪里 展示 的ir work during a community open mic on October 4th at 7pm.

9月6日-下午5点 三行俳句诗

Learn about 的 ancient poetic form, 三行俳句诗, first found in Japanese literature in 的 17th century. 在这个实践工作坊中, attendees will 学习 about 的 tradition of 的 三行俳句诗, 它是如何永恒的, how we can use an ancient art form to communicate modern day ideas. Using 的ir newfound skills, participants will end this workshop with 写作 a 三行俳句诗 of 的ir own.

9月13日-下午5点 散文诗

Practice making your words sing during this workshop w在这里 participants will 学习 how to write a prose poem. 这种形式的规则很松散, so we intend to have a lot of fun brainstorming 和 pushing 的 limits of 的 form. Come with an open mind 和 a ready h和 和 leave with a prose poem of your own!

9月27日-下午5点 燃烧俳文

This workshop will use 的 skills gained in 的 first two lessons (however, newcomers are still welcome 和 encouraged to attend!) to write a newer form of 诗歌, 的 burning haibun. This poetic form combines 的 tradition of 的 三行俳句诗 with prose 诗歌 和 blackout 诗歌 to create a thrilling 和 unique work of art. Participants will be guided step-by-step through 的 process of 写作 a poem in this form 和 leave 的 class with a poem of 的ir very own.


社区大学是免费的, 在线, book-club-style course that is open to everyone — alumni, 现在的学生和社区成员都一样. The course takes place throughout 的 semester 和 includes lectures 和 在线 discussions about 的 course’s book of focus — for this semester, 乔治·艾略特1872年的小说 米德尔马契.

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫有句名言 米德尔马契 as “one of 的 few English novels written for grown-up people.” Eliot’s masterpiece charts 的 lives of 的 members of 的 小说al English provincial town of 米德尔马契 as 的y navigate 的 great reform movements of 的 nineteenth century, 包括女性的地位, 选举权, 医学伦理学, 宗教与教育.

The course is held completely 在线 (although, 如果需要, 学生可以亲自参加大部分讲座。, with manageable weekly readings 和 在线 discussions, 的 course is designed to fit into busy schedule.


Attendees do not need to be admitted UIndy students, no tuition will be charged; 的 course is completely free. 注册课程 allows access to 的 在线 discussion forum 和 o的r course materials. 这门课分为“学分/无学分”,” so students may choose to participate as much or as little as 的y wish. Students may optionally choose to attend only 的 lectures (listed 在这里) 和 not receive course credit; registration is not required to do so. 

Friday, September 01, 2023 , 12:00pm In-person 和 virtual

印第安纳波利斯大学 1400 E Hanna Ave; 印第安纳波利斯, IN (317) 788-3368



地点:虚拟/缩放 费用:免费

Eiteljorg博物馆的西部读书俱乐部, 就像博物馆本身, is committed to including works that represent many different cultural values, 的态度, 和观点.

Members come toge的r bimonthly to discuss books that represent 的 diversity of 的 American West 和 Indigenous peoples of North America. Meetings take place via Zoom, are open to all.

和我们一起讨论 平静如河:一部小说 by Lief Enger, a best-selling American classic. 这是一次英勇的探索, 一个悲剧, 还有一个爱情故事, in which “t在这里 is magic… none more potent than Leif Enger’s prose” (新闻day).



欢迎来到B&跨河浪漫读书俱乐部! This book club is open to anyone that wants to join, no reservations necessary. 

We will meet 的 3rd Tuesday of 的 month at 6:30pm. This month we will be discussing Forget Me Not by Julie Soto. 

(317) 816-1370




加入 明天去书店 和 移民欢迎中心 作为一名作家,请与hactor Tobar交谈, 六本书的作者, 包括《十大网赌平台推荐》畅销书 黑暗深处,以及最近的回忆录 我们的移民灵魂: A Meditation on Race 和 的 Meanings 和 Myths of “Latino”.

他将讨论并签署 我们的移民灵魂, his 回忆录 about 的 Latinx migrant experience in 的 United States. The event will be held at Indy Fringe’ Indy Eleven Theatre on 周六, 2023年9月16日晚6:00-8:00

T?he author discussion will be moderated by Luisa Macer, Manager of Community 十大最好的网赌平台 at 的 印第安纳波利斯 Motor Speedway, 移民欢迎中心董事会成员, 爱读书的人!

T?他的活动是 欢迎周, an annual campaign 和 celebration to 展示 的 movement of communities striving to be more welcoming places for all, 包括移民.

T?汉克斯, IndyFringe剧院 感谢您成为我们本次活动的场地赞助商

周六, 9月16 · 6 – 8pm EDT IndyFringe剧院 719 East Saint Clair Street 印第安纳波利斯, IN 46202





出生在波多黎各, Jaquira迪亚兹 was raised between Humacao, Fajardo, Miami Beach. 她是……的作者 《平凡女孩:回忆录, 怀廷奖得主, 佛罗里达图书奖金奖, 拉姆达文学奖的决赛选手, 以及其他一些文学奖项. 普通的女孩 was optioned for television 和 is currently in development at FX with Díaz as Co-Executive Producer.

两个手推车奖的获得者, 伊丽莎白·乔治基金会的资助, 以及麦克道尔的奖学金, 的 肯扬审查, 面包面包, Sewanee, VCCA, 威斯康星创意写作学院, 贝弗利·罗杰斯, 卡罗尔·C. Harter Black Mountain Institute, Díaz has written for 大西洋《卫报》《十大最好的网赌平台》杂志T:《十大网赌平台推荐》condonnast Traveler的渐变, her stories, poems, essays have been anthologized in 美国最佳散文《早餐诗人卷. 4: Lati下一个美国最佳实验写作手推车奖 选集. In 2022, she held 的 Mina Hohenberg Darden Chair in Creative Writing at Old Dominion University’s MFA program 和 a Pabst Endowed Chair for Master Writers at 的 Atlantic Center for 的 Arts. She teaches creative 写作 at Colorado State University 和 R和olph College’s low-residency MFA program. Díaz的处女作, 我深思熟虑这本书即将由Algonquin 书出版. She splits her time between Las Vegas 和 Colorado with her spouse, 的 writer Lars Horn.

Kellogg Writers Series: Brian Evenson (Fiction Reading)

September 21, 2023; 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Schwitzer Student Center, 印第安纳波利斯大学


The Kellogg Writers Series brings 作家 of distinction to 的 印第安纳波利斯大学 campus for classroom discussions 和 free public readings.

Brian Evenson is 的 author of over a dozen works of 小说. 他得了三个O. 亨利小说奖. 他最近的一本书, 世界解体之歌, won a World 幻想 Award 和 a Shirley Jackson Award 和 was a finalist for both 的 Los Angeles Times Ray Bradbury Prize for Science Fiction, 幻想, Speculative Fiction 和 的 Balcones Fiction Prize. 他住在洛杉矶,在加州艺术学院任教.


9月22日星期五 上午10时至11时30分


A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading.

你喜欢美国古典文学吗? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS w在这里 our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up. Share a small group experience while listening to a book read out loud in short segments by members of 的 group while following along in your own copy. With frequent stops to discuss often overlooked meaning in 的 text. 加入我们!

Brightlane Learning Book Club Hosted by 的 IDEA Committee

加入我们的读书会吧, 学习, have c和id conversations about poverty 和 systemic issues in America.

关于本次活动: 看不见的孩子:贫穷,生存 & 美国城市的希望 by Andrea Elliott follows eight dramatic years in 的 life of Dasani, a girl whose imagination is as soaring as 的 skyscrapers near her Brooklyn shelter.

读书会会议日期: 加入 的 IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Awareness) Committee on 的 first Tuesday of every month starting in February as we discuss this Pulitzer Prize Winner non小说 book 和 engage in larger conversations surrounding poverty 和 systemic issues in America. Each meeting will correspond with a section of 的 book.

  • 周二,2月7日-第一部分
  • 3月7日星期二-第二部分
  • 4月4日星期二-第三部分
  • 6月6日周二-第四部分
  • 周二,7月11日-第五部分
  • 周二,8月1日-第六部分
  • 9月12日周二-第七部分

Meetings will be from 6:30-7:30 pm at 的 Brightlane Learning office at 2955 N Meridian Street Ste 250, 印第安纳波利斯, IN 46208. 将提供茶点. 这个读书俱乐部对任何人都免费开放.

非常鼓励亲自出席. However, t在这里 will be a virtual Zoom option for those who are unable to make it to our office space.

Please note: your attendance is welcomed even if you have not yet read 的 corresponding section of 的 book we will be discussing or were unable to attend a previous meeting.


由科里·尤因主持 & janarie York与DJ Cleopatra的声音

Door 8pm, Show 9pm General Admission *$10 at 的 door / 这里有预售票

大白兔歌舞, 1116 Prospect Street, 印第安纳波利斯, United States



节奏 & PHIRI画廊诗歌开放麦克风(每周一次)

Come Experience 的 Ultimate Vibe with LIVE 表演 by some of your favorite artists! 节奏 & 诗歌周四 is also an awesome way to network with like-minded creatives 和 business professionals from around 的 city, so be ready to connect with o的r amazing individuals!






* PHIRI所有服务的折扣

信息404.759.0530 **印第安纳波利斯东市场街120号



*假的作者. 假书. 真正有趣的.


Comedians take 的 stage posing as accomplished authors reading from 的ir most recent works.

主演:山姆·格里斯沃尔德, 波林Shypula, 乔纳森Pfendler, 斯蒂芬·文森特·贾尔斯, 格温Sunkel, Eric Sablan, 玛丽亚·戴维森和嘉宾们

大白兔歌舞 印第安纳波利斯展望街1116号,邮编46203

Tea’s 的 Artist Youth Open Mic Night (Monthly)

12月16日星期四 (逢第三个星期五)

我们的第三个星期五是backckkkk!!! You won’t want to miss 的 Open Mic night centered around youth & 青少年和非常以家庭为中心!!

Calling all youth, teenagers 和 adults to 的 stage to share your talents with us. 从唱歌到跳舞. 从诗歌到口语. 钢琴转萨克斯管. Whatever your talent is, AS LONG AS IT’S FAMILY appropriate, we want YOU!

茶的我,咖啡馆Indy (140 E). 圣22街. B,印第安纳波利斯,46214)


Hancock County Public Library has a 写作 group that meets on 的 third Wednesday of each month. 加入我们!


Off 的 Bricks, a Poetry on Brick Street Podcast


We meet 的 first Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm at 沙利文·芒斯文化中心, 225 West Hawthorne Street, Zionsville, IN 46077.

下个月的客座诗人:来自 徒步旅行者的俳句 选集 reading with accompanying PowerPoint.


Welcome to 玛格丽塔星期一开放麦克风 Night w在这里 you too can be a star

幻象3661 W 86 st

We welcome all comedians rappers poets 和 singers. 晚上8点开门

免费入场. 由喜剧演员艾莎和麦克·肖主持.


美国东部时间早上7:00 -晚上9:00

A completely nonjudgmental 和 safe space to share 诗歌! Every Thursday on 的 deck at 的 Irving Theater in 的 Summer, inside all Winter. Performances are broadcast live on our 脸谱网 page (link below). Come enjoy original 诗歌 和 readings from local 和 regional artists, or present your own 诗歌.


更多信息,请访问 欧文剧院的网站

书 & 酿造开放式麦克风


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